Testimoniale de la partenerii noștri
We are grateful for partnering up with the Human Rise team. It is a pleasure to work with the creative ladies who are committed and driven by results. We appreciate their unique way of working, always having a keen eye to our needs.
I like the people and the culture of Human Rise. They are focused and hard working. Results are important but more important seems to be the quality of results and customer satisfaction. Proper process, great communication and full transparency makes working with Human Rise feel more like working with one of our teams. I love working with them and definitely choosing them was one good decision.
8 months of close collaboration with Human Rise and keep going – working with Human Rise is a pleasant experience, friendly attitude and professional approach.
I really liked the way we collaborated with Human Rise mostly due the agile approach with constant feedback and weekly review of the process and status, which also implies the feedback from our side and very close relation. Human Rise was honest and also provided feedback on our job requests to make them fit with the market.
O experienta total noua, profi, as zice eu cea mai ancorata in realitate si moderna din toate punctele de vedere. Diana reuseste sa reinventeze tot timpul procesul clasic de recrutare plictisitor si sa-l transforme in ceva care se pliaza pe nevoile tale. Chiar daca nu are pe moment un job, este dispusa sa faca un screening personal si profesional, astfel incat sa mixeze profilul tau personal cu cel profesional. Sunt un fericit om care a trecut pragul si a indraznit sa apeleze la ajutor profesional, tocmai datorita stilului uman promovat de Diana. Asadar, daca n-ai curaj sau nu ai claritate, apeleaza cu incredere la ea. She is a human riser
Our collaboration with HumanRise was fruitful and efficient. Diana went the extra mile in delivering her services with professionalism and passion, and the result met all our expectations. We strongly recommend HumanRise for a different recruitment experience.
Diana este partenerul nostru in TA de aproape un an. Dincolo de servicii de recrutare, am apreciat inputul ei in termeni de comp& ben, branding si comunicare. Pe masura ce echipa Human Rise a crescut, ne-am bucurat sa vedem acelasi nivel de profesionalism si proactivitate in randul lor. Cu multumiri, echipa HR Nuvei Romania.
Although we recently started our collaboration with Human Rise, it feels like forever. The most important thing that I appreciate in our collaboration is definitely professionalism and their ability to deliver quality, good process and excellent communication with the candidates. Keep up the good work ladies. From my experience, there is no other agency like Human Rise. Human Rise is more than an agency, it is a great partner to go along with. Trustful, professionists and developing relationships with the candidates and the companies with whom they work, it’s a pleasure to collaborate with you.
Our experience with Human Rise was extremely pleasant. They are very professional in the relationship and treat the partnership as a new team, fully integrated in your company’s procedures, yet who offer an expert outsider’s view that helps you improve your own processes. They are transparent, with constant meetings of updates, feedback, and results, discussed on pure data and real information. They truly deliver on their promise, and you get a full team of smart people, with great insights on human resources who believe in your company, by your side.
Our collaboration with the Human RISE Agency was efficient, we’ve received what we have expected and even a little bit more. Diana is a dedicated and empathetic person, focused on the results, therefore, it’s going to be a pleasure to get back for a future partnership! Meanwhile, best wishes and keep up the good job!
Human Rise m-a abordat inițial într-un moment în care nu îmi doream o schimbare și nu am dat inițial curs invitației. Câteva luni mai târziu, m-am hotărât singur către o schimbare. Diana a fost prima persoană pe care am contactat-o. Mi-a prezentat câteva oferte, din care am ales una și am demarat procedurile de intervievare. În diferite momente cheie – imediat după interviu, în prima zi de lucru, după prima săptămână de lucru, după prima lună de lucru – Diana m-a contactat, și mi-a cerut feedback despre cum merg lucrurile. În toate aceste interacțiuni, ea și-a păstrat atitudinea jovială și optimistă.